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 17,18 may Amsterdam (D)Open
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Erstellt am: 05 Januar 2008 :  11:52:49 Uhr  Profil anzeigen
17,18 may Amsterdam (D)Open in Club 8. To honor dutch legislation and the 'old school players' we organise a smokers tournament.All Ganja is included in the entry fee.for non-smokers...'space cake'!

serious organisation, serious prize-money...pot-heads only!!

register the date, check easyjet for flights,more information will follow.

17,18 mai Amsterdam (D)Open.'Old School Pool'


6 Beiträge

Erstellt  am: 28 Januar 2008 :  14:23:38 Uhr  Profil anzeigen
Club 8 Amsterdam organises the Amsterdam (D)Open on may 17th and 18th.

Entry Fee: € 30. incl. party package, satisfactory quantity of Dutch Hydro Culture!
round robin
guaranteed prize money:
€ 1000 1st
€ 500 2nd
€ 250 3rd/4th
€ 100 5/8th
€ 60 9/16th
€ 40 17/32nd

17,18 mai Amsterdam (D)Open.'Old School Pool'
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Erstellt  am: 31 Januar 2008 :  10:01:19 Uhr  Profil anzeigen
ihr begrifft alles gut...jeder wird gehandicapt sein...einige ein bisschen weniger, weil die mehr geubt haben....

durch diese Bedingung kommen die Profi's nicht, weil die Profi's sind. Mit DopingKontrolle, Sponsoren usw....

und uberhaupt keine Chance haben werden...sie sind zu Profi

Nichtraucher konnen teilnehmen, aber wenn alles aussieht als ob die kommen um das Preisgeld zu verbrechen, dann sicherlich Spacecake, sonst nur eine Spacebonbon

Es wird stattfinden, garantiertes Preisgeld, hoffentlich auch Zockerei...da es manche/viele Auslander geben wird: Italiener (sicherlich), Englander(wahrscheinlich),Schweizer(?),Deutscher(?),Amerikaner(?)
Sicherlich wird noch ein bisschen Poker gespielt.

17,18 mai Amsterdam (D)Open.'Old School Pool'
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Erstellt  am: 03 März 2008 :  15:10:26 Uhr  Profil anzeigen
Yes, the rumours are true…Club 8 Amsterdam is doing it again.
This year the main event will be played in a mist of marihuana smoke!
It’s going to be
The Green House seeds/Gijs van Helmond Tribute Amsterdam (D)open 2008
When? How?
Saturday the 17th of May and Sunday the 18th of May Club 8 Amsterdam will host this “never shown before” Pool billiards event from 9 AM till 3 AM. All day Saturday participants will play the group stages in a round-robin format, on Sunday the remaining 64 players will battle it out in a single knock-out format. The eliminated players can knock themselves out in side-events. The entry fee is € 30, - only, including a ‘Hydro’-party-package. The game is 8-ball! € 3800 guaranteed prizemoney, more then 128 entries…more prizemoney!
3 secondary reasons:
In most coffeeshops, a pooltable can be found and it is there that pool was first played in Amsterdam. The coffeeshops competed against each other and organised the first tournaments. With the maturing of pool as a sport, competitive pool in Amsterdam has grown out of the coffee shop culture and with this event we want to relive the old-school experience. It will be a lot of fun with the greatest and funniest people; wich is exactly the reason of Club 8’s existence.
Second of all, the Dutch sports committee has put Marihuana on the list of illegal stimulating substances and started checking the “official” tournament participants on substance abuse. We all know that those who can still play good when stoned should be rewarded, not punished.
Third of all, all Dutch café’s are supposed to be smoke free as from the 1st of June or so the right wing Christian government has decided is good for us. Club 8 strongly disagrees!
What to expect?
Round up at Friday from 6 pm to 23 pm, get your badge and a goody bag full of surprises amongst wich the essentials to stick to the rules of the tournament: Not allowed to play sober! You also get the schedule, so you know what time you’re expected to play the next Day.
Saturday from 8.30 to 9.30 coffee, latecomers and consumption of the first tokens, play commences at 9.30, till late!!! Be sure that Club 8 will provide entertainment throughout the weekend if you don’t have to play or are out of the tournament! The final on Sunday is planned at 19:00.
How to get in?
E-mail to We will require your entry fee no later than the 10th of May, for wich we will get back to with payment details. All information will be handled discretely and no official name is needed for the participants.
Who the hell is Gijs van Helmond?
Gijs is one of the best of the Dutch players; just below the level of the one’s you know. He is a genuine nice bloke, who looks and acts kind of hazy usually. He is the first poolplayer to be caught officially with Marihuana traces in his pee during an official tournament. Therefore he has become a cult-figure in the Amsterdam scene and he gets this tournament as a tribute for standing tall as a marihuana user!
Hail Gijs!

This tournament is NOT sanctioned by the WPA, EPBF and KNBB

Your Host

Etienne Verheem (mostly sativa)

17,18 mai Amsterdam (D)Open.'Old School Pool'
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Erstellt  am: 26 März 2008 :  11:11:11 Uhr  Profil anzeigen
poster Amsterdam Open¤t=PosterDOPETOERNOOI_2.jpg

17,18 mai Amsterdam (D)Open.'Old School Pool'
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Erstellt  am: 16 April 2008 :  14:18:01 Uhr  Profil anzeigen
fur Anmeldung:
schon einige grosse Namen angemeldet, viele internationale Spieler!!Du?

17,18 mai Amsterdam (D)Open.'Old School Pool'
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