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Erstellt am: 23 Oktober 2006 :  20:38:07 Uhr  Profil anzeigen
Hallo Leute,

habe soeben dieses Email bekommen.

Nun der Inhalt:

Hello andromeda1

You received the following message from: jose (



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Good day and With due respect, trust and humanity, I write this letter to you seeking your help and assistance, I hope that this proposal will not be an inconvenience or embarrassment to you. Life has become restless for me in this western part of Africa. 29th September 2003 later in the night the murders come without a mercy they kill my father in front of me.

My father was a wealthy merchant.The trouble began early 2003 when my father's associates started suspecting that my father is not giving proper accounts of all the tons of cocoa being cultivated by local farmers in some villages. This mistrust deepens between Jul-Aug 2003 when they discovered a very big some of money my father deposited with a security company here in Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire.

As a result of this discovery and the enviness of the money ,he was killed by his associates. Before this, he revealed to me the reasons of his being hatred. He directed me where to get the documents of the said deposit, he told me that he enrolled my name as his next of kin for the deposit, being the only child. He advised me that I should not stay in the country because his enemies might equally kill me to reap all his wealth hence my mother died five years ago of cancer.

He instructed me that if he dies, that I should look for a foreign partner who will help me to transfer the money into the person's account and the person will help me to invest the money in his or her country. My father finally died on 29th of September and since then I was out of school and went into hiding because of my father's associates. All the relevant documents of the $10.5 (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand dollars) that was deposited in a security company are intact with me now.

My name is JOSE GABE I am 23yrs old. Please I would require your urgent assistance so that I can move out from here before they kill me as they are tracing my hide out. I agreed to give you 25% while I will mapped out 5% for any expensince that may incure during the transfar of this money to you. I really need your help to bring out this box from the security company and transfer this money into your account for onward investment in your country .

Please try contact me immediately and also include your telephone and Fax numbers in your response to enable me send you all necessary details as regards to the procedure of securing the consignment fund out from the security company and transferring the fund to your end account.

Please be rest assured that this transaction is 100% risk free.
I'm waiting for your urgent reply.

Blessed and Love


Kann jemand was damit Anfangen??? Mein Englisch ist sehr schlecht, aber das ist doch so ne Geldtransaktionssache, oder???

Wünsche allen "Guet Stoss",
Stefan Keller.


Pascal Nydegger

139 Beiträge

Erstellt  am: 23 Oktober 2006 :  22:55:40 Uhr  Profil anzeigen
Ach, dass ist doch einfach nur SPAM - Scheisse. Bitte einfach nicht beachten. Sorry dass solches über mein Forum zu euch gelangt. Ich dachte, nur ich habe dass bekommen. Wenns weiter vorkommt werde ich dem näher auf den Grund gehen.

Liebe Grüsse
Pascal Nydegger,

Beste Grüsse

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